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When Can a Tennessee Plaintiff Get Punitive Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

When Can a Tennessee Plaintiff Get Punitive Damages in a Personal Injury Case? There are several categories of damages an injured plaintiff can claim in a lawsuit. Special damages refer to Read More

What Are the Rules for Truck Drivers Taking Opioid Pain Killers?

What Are the Rules for Truck Drivers Taking Opioid Pain Killers? Prescription opioids, such as Vicodin, Demerol, and OxyContin, have become very popular as a means of treating acute and chronic Read More

Who Is Responsible for a Truck Accident When the Brakes Fail?

Commercial trucking is a complex industry with many parties involved. So, when something goes wrong and trucks are involved in collisions, there’s often a great deal of blame-shifting, making it Read More

How Does Tennessee’s Motorcycle Helmet Law Affect an Accident Claim?

Tennessee law requires all motorcycle operators and passengers to wear a helmet that meets safety specifications. If the person is under age 21, the helmet must meet federal standards set Read More

What Is the “Pecuniary Value of Life” in a Tennessee Wrongful Death Claim?

What Is the “Pecuniary Value of Life” in a Tennessee Wrongful Death Claim? If you have lost a loved one in a tragic accident or because of some negligent act or Read More

How Soon After an Injury Event Must a Victim Die to Qualify as a Wrongful Death?

In the case of a car crash, an accident victim may die within seconds. But other injury events, such as a misdiagnosis of cancer, can cause harm to a person Read More

How Comparative Fault Impacts Your Tennessee Auto Accident Case

Comparative fault is a legal concept based on the fact that more than one driver can be responsible for an auto accident. So, if two drivers make a mistake on Read More

Auto Insurance Requirements in Tennessee

Tennessee enacted mandatory automobile insurance in 1977. Today all drivers are required to carry at least the minimum amount of liability coverage for accidents, in these amounts: Bodily injury to one Read More

How Does the Social Security Administration Decide If You’re Disabled?

The Social Security Administration pays disability insurance (SSDI) benefits to eligible workers who are totally and permanently disabled. But what is the basis for SSA’s determination? In short, you must Read More

The Role of Expert Witnesses in Personal Injury Cases

To win a personal injury case, a plaintiff has the burden of proving several separate elements, most importantly fault and harm. This proof must be clear and convincing for a Read More

Viewing 91 - 100 out of 117 posts


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